Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yesterday was an anniversary of sorts.  It marked one year to the day that I got pregnant.  How do I know this?  I just do!  Its crazy that one year has gone by and so much has happened.  Here is my year...
  • I found out I was going to be a  mommy.  I  cried for days but knew I could do it. 
  • The Wednesday before Thanksgiving I got my letter of acceptance in to the Westminster school of nursing.  A dream come true but now I wondered if I could do it with a baby.
  • Drew and I decided it would best for our family to get hitched
  • On New Years Day Drew took me to Memory Grove and asked me to be his wife.  And I said YES!
  • In January we found out that we would be having a little girl join our family. I was shocked and excited and her name would be Payton.
  • On February 21, 2009 I married the man I have loved since I was only 17.  I was crazy about him from the start and although we had some hard times we made it.
  • In April I finished my first semester of nursing school. I was ready for summer
  • Then on June 7 our most beautiful baby girl Payton Grace Cassdiy was born.  
If you would have told me one year ago yesterday that all of this was going to happen in a year I would have laughed in your face.  Now as I sit here writing this post I hear my baby laying on the couch babbling to herself and sucking her fingers it brings tears to my eyes that I have been given this precious baby.  It was a long and sometimes hard year but I would  not trade it for anything.  I have made a promise to finish school for Drew and Payton and other children that may join our family.  It didn't all happen perfect but it sure is worth it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Sometimes being a mom is frustrating and hard. Then I wake up to this... And life is perfect again

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 4, 2009

This was a fun fourth of July we started the morning at the Murray parade which has become tradition for us, then headed over to our pool for swimming with family and friends. We ended the night at the Salazars house for good food, fireworks and great company. Here are some cute pictures of the night.Payton sleeping at the Parade

Miss Kaydance saying HI

Karson with his there anything more American?

My bro with Nat

Saddest face ever! Mommy feed me NOW

We dressed the girls in twinner outfits...Payton let me kiss you

Oh man I guess you dont like my kisses

I will take your bow then

Ha ha I got it

The girls

The boys. I have no idea what sign they are trying to pull off here but its impossible for them to take a normal picture.

Happy Independence DAY I have had enough fun for one day

New Pictures

I took Miss Payton to get her pictures taken and they turned out so cute. She is such a beautiful baby and we enjoy her so much (when not crying) and I love her so much and am going to have a hard time going back to school :(

We love our little P-nut

Monday, July 13, 2009

Time to blog

Right now Drew and Payton are hanging out together on the couch watching what else but sports. This gives me time to do some much needed blog updating...Its been 5 weeks since Little Payton has joined our family and it's gone so fast. We try to keep busy every day and so far have had a great summer we have been swimming, going on walks, going to lunch with grandma, and having lots of fun together. I am going to post some pictures of the summer in the next couple of posts but have to go now because Payton is hungary...dang that didn't last to long.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Payton Grace Cassidy

I started having labor pains on Saturday, at first I just felt a constant cramp in my lower abdomen all day but just thought it was nothing.  Kristi was over here helping me with Payton's room and when she left I stood up and felt a real contraction.  I started timing them and they were about 10-15 min apart.  I called Drew and told him to come home from work because I didn't want to be alone.  At first the contractions were no big deal but as the night went on they got much much worse.  I didn't sleep at all, I tried my rocker, I tried the couch, I tried a hot bath, I tried watching several movies but the contractions just kept coming.  At about 6 I woke Drew up and we started packing our bag (nothing like waiting till the last min) about this time I started throwing up :)  so in between contractions and throwing up I managed to get my bag packed and out the door.  We got to the hospital at about 6:45 and they took me straight to the room and didn't have to wait long for the epidural (best thing EVER).  Then Payton Grace Cassidy was born on Sunday June 7, 2009 at 11:31 weighing 7 lbs and 8 oz and 21 inches long.  This was the best day of my whole life, I love this little girl more then I ever could have imagined!  She is so beautiful and such a good baby and I am so happy to have her in our life.  Drew has been an amazing father already and loves to cuddle with her on the couch and watch sports.  This whole process could not have gone better and I just feel so blessed.  Our little P looks so much like me its crazy, here are some pictures after she was just with us a short amount of time.  She gets more beautiful every day (especially after the first day since her swelling went down)  I will post more new pictures in a few days.

Look at all that hair!!!!  I freaking love it :)

I gave birth to my twin,,,

Almost 26 years later (my 26th birthday is coming just in a few days) I gave birth to my own twin!  I know it sounds crazy and kinda gross but its so true.  In the photo above is our brand new baby girl Payton Grace Cassidy just a few hours old.  The photo below is me almost 26 years ago...can you believe the resemblance?  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh man

I woke up yesterday morning to find that my ankles no longer look like ankles. It now looks like my calf meets my feet and there is no separation I think the correct term would be cankle. If you don't believe me look it up...its a real word with real meaning. I just read they do liposuction for cankles which I will be hitting Drew up for if they don't go back to normal. I think this is a much better picture of the cankle. When I press down it does not rebound like normal skin it leaves an indent but its fun to push on it and count the seconds it takes to come back to normal. Weird...I know
Tonight I am most excited because I get to go here... and get a one hour pregnancy massage! I have been wanting to do this for a long time (like 9 months) and finally I just made the appointment. Drew was not that happy about spending the money on this massage but hey I have carried this child for 9 great months and haven't complained much and plus in 17 days its my 26th birthday! So I am off now to get some RR and a great massage. I hope you are all having a great Tuesday like me :)

P.S. On a different note I went to the doctor today for my 39 week check up and I have no change from last week. If I don't go into labor by Monday I will be induced by the end of next week! Here's hoping for labor to start on Sunday!

Monday, June 1, 2009


One more week...that's it! It all went by so fast but I am SUPER excited, and a little nervous. This weekend I worked more on Payton's room and got everything (well almost everything) washed and clean and ready for her to move in. I still need to wash her newborn clothes and bottles and a few other items but for the most part we are ready. Kristi is coming over this week to help me finish decorating as the walls look blah but soon they will be fabulous!!!!! There are still a few things I need to buy like a changing pad, more bottles, pj's, and wipes (nothing like waiting till the last minute). I have talked with her several times and keep telling her to start making her way out Sunday and then be born on Monday the 8th, we will see how well she listens :) Here a couple of pictures of her room so far... We still have the computer in room for now but will be moving it soon. Then the dresser will go on the opposite wall.
Here is my beautiful chair that Matise and Lane gave me for my shower. It is the best chair in the world and I LOVE IT so much.

Oh and that's me with my big ol belly just hanging out. 39 week and one more to go. I sure hope it all goes well and Miss P gets here soon. We can't wait to meet you sweetheart! XOXO

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My new Nephew

Here he is Mr. Miles Finley Olsen! He is so cute and so little and I love him already :) Miles was born to an amazing mother, father and two older sisters! I am so happy Jenny could make me an Aunt I really like it. I was able to watch older sister Olivia who is 3 while this little man was being bornded and she was so much fun. We went to lunch, shopping, watched movies and had a sleepover. Anyway I just wanted to say welcome to little Miles and I am so happy he is apart of our family we love you MILES!


Did any of you watch Lost last night? Oh my heck I can't wait for the final season to see what happens when the H-bomb goes off! Will they have never landed on the island? Was it the H-bomb that made them build the hatch? Who is Locke really and why is dead and alive at the same time? So so many questions I hope the last season is a good one I really can't wait to see what is in store. If you dont watch this show I suggest you get season one, after that you will be hooked. This may be my favorite show EVER!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Weeks

Seven that's right only seven more weeks until I get to see my baby girl who has been living with me and kicking me all the time. I couldn't be more excited! After next week is over I will be in baby mode trying to get her room ready for her grand arrival. Yahoo for 7 more weeks!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have been struggling for the last week or so because I have nothing ready for Miss P. Drew keeps on telling me that its ok and that we have plenty of time to get everything ready, but I just feel bad. I only have 2 more months to go and 1 of those months I will be finishing up school so I feel like I have no time. I went to babies r us to register but there is so much stuff and how on earth do you know what will work for your baby and what you really need? So last night Drew and I got online and I finally found the perfect bedding for our little girl. I am really excited for it to get here so I can start putting her room together. I am feeling much better now that I have an idea as to what her room will look like...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Honeymoon...Warning Lots of Photos

hDrew and I went to Cabo for our honeymoon and had so so much fun! We couldn't do many activities because of Baby P but we still had lots of fun! We bought Baby P the smallest, cutest dress ever I can't wait for her to get here so she can wear it. I will just let you look at the pictures now... On the airplane waiting to take off for Cabo

Mexican Fiesta night at our hotel the first night we were here

I didn't get my Mrs. Cassidy shirt but Mishell did buy me this shirt so I got some good use out it! Thanks Mishell

View from our Balcony

Drew and I sitting in the sun looking at the ocean. What a perfect life!

The beach at our hotel

Drew playing in the ocean...he fell a couple of times...I laughed

Here is my hot man playing in the ocean. It was fun to watch him, I didn't dare go in.

Drew playing in the Ocean still

Drew with his bucket of beer at Cabo Wabo. We totally got screwed that night because the waiter took all of the money and didn't bring back change. Who knew a taco, a burger, and six beers would cost 60 dollars!!!!!!!

Me at Cabo Wabo listening to the good music. This is the night we decided to walk into town...not our best idea. A so called 20 min walk turned into 45 min.

Where we ate breakfast every morning so beautiful

The best deal we ever found in Mexico gotta love Walmart!

My husband had a hard time applying the sunblock. Notice the nice white beauty sash line :)

You can't really tell but he applyed lots of sunblock on lips and it made me laugh so I took a picture.

Fish from the glass bottom boat ride.

Bird from the glass bottom boat ride to Lovers Beach

On our way to Lovers Beach

Smelly sea lions

Me and Baby P hanging out on Lovers beach. She really had fun in Mexico

Husband, Wife, and Baby P on our honeymoon :)

Cabo Fire Truck

Drew with the Cabo Fire Truck he was so excited to see this.

Buying stuff on the street

Eating MORE food Yummy

Fried Ice Cream Yummy Yummy

The pool at the hotel. The whale slide was super fast, lots and lots of fun

Messy Messy Room

We are so so happy together

My poor poor ankles so so swollen! (good news is they are back to normal now)

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SAD to leave beautiful Cabo and get back to real life! But so happy to have such an amazing Husband! We didn't even get sick of each other once and really had so much fun. We decided to do this every year from now on and anyone is welcome to join us.